Uma música do Paul McCartney por dia - #29 Put It There
Put It There é uma música delicada do álbum Flowers in the Dirty. Gosto muito - da música (da letra, que fala como deveria ser a relação entre pai e filho) e do disco.
Put It There Paul McCartney
Give me your hand I'd like to shake it I want to show you I'm your friend. You'll understand if I can make it clear Its all that matters in the end. Put it there if it weighs a ton, That's what the father said to his younger son. I don't care if it weighs a ton, As long as you and I are here, put it there. Long as you and I are here, put it there. If there's a fight I'd like to fix it, I hate to see things go so wrong. The darkest night and all it's mixed emotions, Is getting lighter sing a song. Put it there
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