Uma música do Paul McCartney por dia - #5 Mull of Kintyre
Uma música linda do Paul (adoro as gaitas de fole!), na fase Wings, depois de uma pausa para uma viagem rápida de férias. Afinal, como diz a letra, já viajei para longe e muita coisa já vi, mas nada é melhor do que voltar para o lugar ao qual a gente pertence.
Mull Of Kintyre Paul McCartney
Mull of kintyre Oh mist rolling in from the sea, My desire is always to be here Oh mull of kintyre Far have i traveled and much have i seen Dark distant mountains with valleys of green. Past painted deserts the sunset's on fire As he carries me home to the mull of kintyre.
Mull of kintyre Oh mist rolling in from the sea, My desire is always to be here Oh mull of kintyre
Sweep through the heather like deer in the glen Carry me back to the days i knew then. Nights when we sang like a heavenly choir Of the life and the time of the mull of kintyre.
Mull of kintyre Oh mist rolling in from the sea, My desire is always to be here Oh mull of kintyre
Smiles in the sunshine And tears in the rain Still take me back to where my memories remain Flickering embers growing higher and higher As they carry me back to the mull of kintyre
Mull of kintyre Oh mist rolling in from the sea, My desire is always to be here Oh mull of kintyre
Mull of kintyre Oh mist rolling in from the sea, My desire is always to be here Oh mull of kintyre
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